In 2018, Futurescaper supported the Government of Canada’s “Next Generation of Emerging Global Challenges” project. The objective of this project was to identify the next generation of global challenges for consideration by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Horizons, the Government’s foresight organisation, used Futurescaper to visually analyse data gathered from an extensive environmental scan, including 600+ weak signals produced by Horizons’ analysts. This was followed by a crowdsourcing initiative, run through Futurescaper in both English and French, drawing an additional 700+ substantive contributions.

Futurescaper enabled the Horizons team to identify or confirm weak signals from the crowd-sourced material when considering and framing emerging challenges. It also allowed Horizons to explore the complex causal chains that emerged as contributors linked their analysis to other people’s ideas.

Read more about the project and download the report.
